today for Kindermusik with Bianca was so much fun. Although, I felt really tired since the little girl has been running around the entire room the whole time. It was unfortunate that my camera went on low bat and wasn't really able to take pictures while inside the class. Bianca was receptive to most of the activities. She loves the part where we have to hold hands and go in circle around the room. I even found an acquintance in the class, Leah Sanchez of Bridesmaids and Company also enrolled her daughter Lia on the same class. I'm looking forward to next week for another session.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Bianca for Kindermusik
Posted by Jody at 4/24/2008 10:08:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bianca
The Swimmer...
We are down to our last 5 sessions for Margaux's swimming lessons. I'm proud to say that she has improved a lot in terms of her comfortability in water. She knows now how to properly kick and also to paddle her hands. She sometimes feel scared still to submerge herself but after convincing and reassuring that she just needs to close her mouth, she's fine with that exercise already. Her favorite part of the class is jumping down to the pool!

Posted by Jody at 4/24/2008 09:16:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: Margaux
Friday, April 18, 2008
Multiply, not Divide...
It is so amazing that even if you have two kids (or even more) already, you don’t actually divide your love to both of them. You will be capable of multiplying everything. There will be no preferences. Your heart becomes bigger in showing and caring how much you love them.
I'm a proud mom of these two...
Posted by Jody at 4/18/2008 02:05:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: being a mom, Bianca, kids, Margaux
Featured Friends
Thanks to Nice, Abie and Jeanny for featuring me in your blogs. I'm so touched.
As such, I am including your name and am picking up more of my own featured friends. I have to inform ALL my featured friends to keep the ball rolling.
Note: If you use Blogger, you can add your featured friends using the new page element ‘Link List’. You may read everything about how this Featured Friend started by reading here and here.
My featured friends are all the MBAP members. Their blogs are my daily reads. Thank you for the friendships.
Let’s keep it rolling so pass it on to the friends you would like to feature in your blog.
Posted by Jody at 4/18/2008 11:47:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: tags
In Bad Credit...
Do you fall prey in having bad credit credit cards? A number of people are victims of irresponsible spending. Oh, I'm so afraid to be trapped on this kind of situation. But for those who are, there is which is a leading comparison website for people who have bad credit loans. Consumers can actually apply for the best offer that is suited for them and starting a new with their credit line.
Posted by Jody at 4/18/2008 11:32:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: researches
World Wide Love Link
Thanks to Vannie for this love link.
~ start copying here
~Join the Worldwide Link Love!
Benefits of Worldwide Link Love!
1. Make new friends around the world.
2. Feel the Link Love.
3. Gain new readers and subscribers.
1. Copy from ~start copying here ~ to ~ end copying here ~ and paste it on your blog.
2. At the end of the list, put your name and the country your in, it doesn’t matter what’s your nationality just put the country where you are publishing your blog.Don’t forget to put links at your name.
3. If u have many blogs, you can link all of it, just make sure you post the same on each blog.
4. Tag eight (8) or more of your blog friends.
5. Tip for blogspot users: make sure you copy and paste the code in Compose mode.
Wanna join, and you can’t find your name on the list?Just leave a comment here.
Worldwide Link Love! Participants:
1. Julia (Philippines)
2. Catherine (Malaysia)
3. shimumsy(u.s.a)
4. Mitch (Philippines)
5. Hailey (Philippines)
6. Sexymom (USA)
7. Liza (Philippines)
6. Idealpinkrose (Korea)
7. Korean food (Korea)
8. Allinkorea (Korea)
9. Kimchiland (Korea)
10. Confessions of an Army Wife (USA)
11. Bless Sanctuary (USA)
12. VampSquad (Philippines)
13. Manna from Heaven ( Philippines)
14. And Life Goes On (Philippines)
15. Uncomplicated (Philippines)
16. To the Moon and Back (Philippines)
17. IamDzoi (Philippines)
18. My Happy Place (Philippines)
19. Blogger Happy (USA)
20. Berry Scrappy (USA)
21. Mommy Talks. Wife Stories. (Philippines)
22. Aggie Shoots Aggie Scraps. (Philippines)
23. Winding Creek Circle. (Philippines)
24. Vanniedosa (Philippines)
25. Wannabesupermodel (Philippines)
26. Scribbles of My Life (Philippines)
27. In This Game of Life (Philippines)
Now, I'm passing the love to Jacqui, Cheche, April and Amore.
Posted by Jody at 4/18/2008 11:07:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: tags
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
This Saturday...
we will be here...

Posted by Jody at 4/15/2008 01:07:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: family vacation, travel
Monday, April 14, 2008
My Days are...
Thanks to Abie for this tag.
What time do you usually wake up?
Around 8:00am
What’s the first thing you do?
Eat breakfast, brush teeth then open Amanda
Yes. Usually bread and coffee. On weekends, fried rice.
Do you go to work/school?
I work at home but I do go out for meetings.
Do you like it?
If you stay at home, what do you do all day?
Work, answer emails, play with the kids, blog.
When’s lunch and what you eatin’?
Between 12nn-1pm. Rice usually especially when at home but when out on meetings, whatever I can grab.
What time do you get home from work/school?
I'm usually home around 830pm-9pm.
What do you do?
I'm an events organizer.
Dinner: When and what?
Dinner is between 8pm and 930am or even later.
What do you do to unwind?
Pamper myself by having footspa, massage, facial and I do shop!
What’s your favorite part of the day?
Evening, lying down with Dicky and the kids.
Who’s your favorite person to interact with?
My kids and Dicky
When’s bedtime?
We sleep late. Earliest at 1130pm.
Who’s bedtime with?
Dicky and the kids.
Posted by Jody at 4/14/2008 11:24:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: tags
Friday, April 11, 2008
Who is Amanda?
She's my new-found companion. Will be my bestfriend at work.
Posted by Jody at 4/11/2008 02:25:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: about me, anything goes
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Win $200 and more this August!
Who doesn't want to win $200 this August? This is what I love about blogging, you get to meet cool people like Yen who can actually give away this amount through a raffle draw.
Below is what she's giving out on August:
1st prize: $100 in cash through Paypal
2nd prize: $40 in cash through Paypal
3rd prize: $30 in cash through Paypal
4th prize: $20 in cash through Paypal
5th prize: $10 in cash through Paypal
Please visit here sites below to know more about this exciting promo. You can also learn about her creative digiscraps and how she manages her own household.
Creative In Me
Little Peanut
Me and Mine
Pea in a Pod
Sugar Magnolias
So what are you waiting for, please check the mechanics here.
Posted by Jody at 4/10/2008 06:10:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: anything goes
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Dicky and I went to Miriam College Child Study Center this morning to enroll Margaux. Our first born is an official preschooler already come June. Parent's Orientation will be on June 13 and start of classes will be June 16. We will go back by friday to check for her uniforms. I'm so excited to see her in those cute scrubs. I'm really hoping she will enjoy school, the Big School that is. There would be no backing out this time, tuition fee has been paid!
Posted by Jody at 4/09/2008 02:31:00 PM 5 comments
Labels: Margaux in school
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Xray Technician
Medical careers are very much in demand now. Whether as a doctor, more so for being a nurse or physical therapist, these careers are highly being sought after especially abroad. Being an x-ray technician is also becoming popular. If you are fascinated with machines like x-rays, MRIs and other imaging technologies, a career as an x ray technician is for you. An xray technician prepare patients for filming and operate x-ray imaging machinery. It requires extensive knowledge of both anatomy and imaging technology. You can check out for schools that offer this course and for job opportunities available.
Posted by Jody at 4/08/2008 01:51:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: working blog
What course to take?
My cousin who recently graduated from high school is not yet decided on what course to take in college. Most of my aunts are encouraging her to try any career from the medical field. But she is so hesistant since she is not sure if she can take the science subjects. My other cousin in Canada who is a pharmacy technician recommends her to look into pharmacy course. I learned that pharmacy technican salary nowadays is actually above average than the basic salary being given to new college graduates. Aside from that, she would actually have the chance to apply overseas after graduation as a pharmacy tech. My cousin from Canada can actually help her. Hope she can decide soon.
Posted by Jody at 4/08/2008 01:16:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: working blog
Saturday, April 05, 2008
It's slow but gladly still coming.
Finally, I won some bids again. Thank goodness!
I thought it's the end already :-(
I'm saving up pa for something! (hehehe)
Posted by Jody at 4/05/2008 07:49:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Blogging
Thursday, April 03, 2008
What is your Love DNA?
Got this interesting tag from Joanne.
Copy here:1. Take the test - Love Visual DNA.
2. Post your result by adding your name (linked to your blog), your love type (linked to your Love DNA result).
3. Tag everybody else!
Results:1. Aggie - Warm and Fuzzy
2. Thea - Warm and Fuzzy
3. Kelly - Warm and Fuzzy
4. Jody - Warm and Fuzzy
5. Add yourself here.
End Copy.
I’m tagging Pheng, Dez and Chat.
For my results:
It looks like you are someone who’s very down to earth when it comes to love. You tend to be pretty realistic about what makes a lifelong partnership work. You understand the value of forging a love based on friendship, respect and shared values. In fact, often your relationships develop out of friendships and your lover tends to be your best friend. Marriage and children are probably central to your life. As far as you’re concerned, a true relationship is one that matures with time and work. Just make sure you keep the spark of passion alive.
You feel most comfortable in a solid relationship based on trust. Love is your life-blood? It fills you with energy and makes the world seem even more beautiful. Right now you couldn’t imagine a better place to be. You’re positively glowing with happiness and feeling very secure. Just how you like it.
Home life is really important to you. It is the focus of all the love that you have to give. For you, love can sometimes be tempestuous. But you’ve learn to weather the storms and emerge even stronger on the other side. Your choice of animal shows that you are a very loyal person. You like to look out for the one you love and have very strong protective instincts.
Love is cuddling up in the sofa with a glass of wine or lounging in bed with the Sunday papers. It’s important to be with someone who really understands you and is sensitive to your feelings. You dream of growing old with the one you love. A strong friendship is the secret for a true lovematch. You’re a caring soul. For you a healthy relationship is one where you can lean on each other when the going gets tough. True love is about taking the rough with the smooth. After all, you’re in this together.
Posted by Jody at 4/03/2008 08:21:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: tags
Cooking School
When I was still young, I have always wanted to enroll in a culinary school but didn't really got the chance. Actually, there were very few culinary schools available that time. I wonder if there was like the that is a good resource for careers in culinary and some chef school. I wonder if my kids will have interest in this field?
Posted by Jody at 4/03/2008 07:38:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: anything goes, working blog
the agony is over! Dicky got the results yesterday. Margaux made it in the interview! She passed and now qualified for admission for the First Step Level of Miriam College Child Study Center for school year 2008-2009. I'm just one happy mom!
Yes, the little girl will go to the BIG school already. Can't wait for her to unleash her potential. Hahaha!
Posted by Jody at 4/03/2008 10:25:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: Margaux in school
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Why I love Him?
This tag from Annette is very timely as I have been really blessed with a husband like Dicky.
The Question:
What do you love the most about your husband/ partner?
- He makes me laugh everyday
- He takes care of me and our kids (as in a lot!)
- He is a very good provider for the family
- He is very understanding especially with my qualms
- He never fails to kiss me everyday
- He is a good cook
- He is very good on what he does
- He works hard for the family
- He never fight with me especially when I'm in bad mood
- He doesn't have "bisyo"
- He is self-less especially regarding family
- He is a good son
- He adores the kids
- He is very proud of me and our kids
- He is very supportive about my work
- He listens a lot
- He is my best friend
- He is good friend to many people
- He thinks very well, an intelligent man
- He makes good plans for the family
- He's goal-oriented.
- He made me a better person and lastly,
- He is my everything.
Posted by Jody at 4/01/2008 01:36:00 PM 6 comments
I'm ecstatic.
Know why I'm overly ecstatic recently. Check here.
Posted by Jody at 4/01/2008 12:14:00 PM 0 comments